How Does BTL EMSELLA Work?

Millions of women and men suffer from weak pelvic floor muscles, which can lead to stress urinary incontinence (SUI). The BTL EMSELLA device uses High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Technology to stimulate the pelvic floor muscles and restores neuromuscular control. The electromagnetic waves and stimulation allow the device to create powerful muscular contractions.

These contractions work to strengthen pelvic floor muscles enabling patients to regain bladder control. The best part of this machine is that in just one session, it can produce contractions equal to 12,000 Kegel exercises.

The BTL EMSELLA therapy is administered under the guidance, and control of medical experts, allowing patients to be comfortable, and fully clothed during the procedure. One therapy session lasts for 28 minutes.

The treatment is non-surgical and non-invasive; there is no downtime. You can walk in for the treatment and walk out to continue your daily activities.

*HIFEMTM Technology – The Non-Invasive Treatment of Urinary Incontinence Samuels J. MD. Guerette N., MD

BTL Emsella is perfect for:

  • Any person experiencing urinary incontinence related to both stress and urge incontinence

  • Any person who frequently feels the sudden urge to urinate

  • Any woman suffering from vaginal laxity

Patients should be adults suffering from urge incontinence, stress incontinence, or mixed incontinence. During the course of therapy, patients need to perform core exercises.

Why are weak pelvic FLOOR muscles such an issue?

In women, weak pelvic floor muscles lead to reduced vaginal sensation, vaginal laxity, or heaviness. The pelvic floor muscles become weak for many reasons, including hormonal changes, aging, drastic weight change, or childbirth. If Kegel exercise has not helped regression from incontinence, a doctor may recommend EMSELLA therapy treatment. It is designed to give relief from incontinence without surgery or medications.

In men, pelvic surgery, such as treatment for prostate cancer or blockages, can lead to weak pelvic floor muscles which will allow for urinary leakage. EMSELLA therapy can strengthen the entire pelvic floor reducing incontinence.

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  • 95% of treated patients reported significant improvement in their quality of life.*

  • 75% of patients significantly decreased urinary leakage.**

*HIFEM Technology Can Improve Quality of Life of Incontinent Patients Berenholz J., MD, Sims T., MD, Botros G., MD. Individual results may vary.

**HIFEM Tehcnology- The Non-Invasive Treatment of Urinary Incontinence Samuels J. MD, Guerette N. MD

WHAT The industry is SAYING:


I have regained my confidence because of my treatment and intend to resume my sport activities.
— Amanda